Business Models for Dummies Highlights

Business Models for Dummies Highlights

The recently released book, Business Models for Dummies, offers both ‘beginners’ and experts’insight into the fascinating world of business models. The book is comprised of three main sections: creating a business model, assessing the model, and ongoing innovation....
Two New Business Models

Two New Business Models

Alright, the following are not “new” business models, but I have penned a name for these successful business models which does serve an important function. By naming and defining a business model, we can then study it, improve it, and learn from them much sooner. Here...
Fatal Error #27: Do they graduate or quit

Fatal Error #27: Do they graduate or quit

You are going to hate me for this one because I am going to tell you that you should WANT your best people to leave you. No, I am not nuts. I am simply a pragmatist. Think about it. If you have a true superstar, that once every 10 year person… can you really afford to...
T-Mobile Messes with Samsung’s Business Model

T-Mobile Messes with Samsung’s Business Model

Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile USA made a bold move to remove smartphone subsidies. Carriers have long complained that handset subsidies benefit manufactures such as Apple and Samsung to the detriment of carriers. For instance, an iPhone 5 sells for $199 with the...