by jim muehlhausen | Dec 17, 2010 | Barnes & Noble, blockbuster, Borders, Business Model Tips, Failure Stories, Public Companies
Could Barnes & Noble (NYSE: BKS) be the next Blockbuster? The once-dominant Blockbuster business model disintegrated into bankruptcy this year and seems unlikely to ever rebound. A close look at the Barnes & Noble business model yields many of the same issues...
by jim muehlhausen | Sep 5, 2010 | Big Box, blockbuster, Business Model Innovation, Business Model Trends, Public Companies, redbox, Success Stories
Many business models have been built upon the foundation that bigger is better. Business models such as Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Costco, Men’s Warehouse, and more were all predicated on the presumption that massive selection would act as a...
by jim muehlhausen | May 4, 2010 | blockbuster, Business Model Innovation, Business Model Trends, Failure Stories, Private Companies, Public Companies, redbox, Success Stories
Coinstar, the parent company of Redbox announced record earnings this week. Net income tripled from the previous period. Clearly, Redbox’s $1 rental model with 20,000 locations is superior to Blockbuster’s retail store model. In their press release, Redbox is...
by jim muehlhausen | Feb 5, 2010 | blockbuster, Failure Stories, Public Companies
Fifteen years ago, Blockbuster controlled nearly 80% of the video rental market and practically printed money. What happened? Wal-Mart did not event discounting, Woolworth’s did in the 1800’s. However, Woolworth’s got out-Woolworthed by Kmart and now Kmart has been...