by jim muehlhausen | Feb 24, 2010 | Failure Stories, hooters, Public Companies
For its entire existence, Atlanta-based Hooters has been mocked and reviled for its entire concept; from its double-entendre name, to its tight bright-orange short shorts, to its efforts to be a “family-friendly” restaurant. Hooters’ CEO is even appearing on CBS’...
by jim muehlhausen | Feb 22, 2010 | Failure Stories, kmart, Public Companies
For those of us old enough to remember the 1970’s, we remember a world without Wal-Mart. This was a world ruled by Kmart. During this period, Kmart was the Wal-Mart. What happened? First and foremost, Wal-Mart created a superior business model for a discount...
by jim muehlhausen | Feb 17, 2010 | boggle, Business Ownership, games
If you have ever played the board game Boggle, you have undoubtedly been frustrated to find that other players find easy words that you missed. Once you have played Boggle a few times, you learn a trick. That trick is to rotate the board 90 degrees so you see things...
by jim muehlhausen | Feb 15, 2010 | Business Model Secrets, Business Model Trends, Business Ownership, model trends
Winning business models of the future will be flexible. By this, I mean that these businesses will be able to double sales with one-third the number of employees. This may sound impossible, but it is not. Remember Armor All, the tire shining product. In the...
by jim muehlhausen | Feb 13, 2010 | Business Model Secrets, Business Model Trends, Business Ownership, model trends
Winning business models will use the web to lower costs and add value. There are three primary methods by which this can be accomplished: 1. Giving customers access to information. How many customers are calling your company for pricing, manuals, and information...